Parameter Description
the snapshot virtual disk, set this parameter to
FALSE. The default value is FALSE.
If the snapshot images cannot be deleted for all of the relevant consistency groups, the operation fails
and none of the snapshot images are deleted.
When you delete a consistency group snapshot image that is associated with a consistency group
snapshot virtual disk, the corresponding snapshot virtual disk member in the consistency group snapshot
virtual disk transition to the Stopped state. A snapshot virtual disk member in the Stopped state no longer
has a relationship to the snapshot group of the deleted snapshot image. However, a snapshot virtual disk
member in the Stopped state keeps its relationship to its consistency group snapshot virtual disk.
Delete Consistency Group Snapshot Virtual Disk
This command deletes the snapshot virtual disk of a consistency group. You can also delete the
repository members.
delete cgSnapVirtualDisk ["snapVirtualDiskName"]
[deleteRepositoryMembers=(TRUE | FALSE)]
Parameter Description
The name of the consistency group snapshot
virtual disk that you want to delete. Enclose the
name of the consistency group snapshot virtual
disk in double quotation marks (" ") inside square
brackets ([ ]).
The parameter to save or delete the member
virtual disks. To save the member virtual disks, set
this parameter to TRUE. To delete the member
virtual disks, set this parameter to FALSE. The
default value is
Delete Disk Group
This command deletes an entire disk group and its associated virtual disks.