Parameter Description
Specifies the properties for all virtual disks in the
storage array.
virtualDisk or virtualDisks (name)
Specifies the name of the virtual disk for which to
define properties. You can enter more than one
virtual disk name if you use the virtualDisks
parameter. You must put quotation marks (" ") and
brackets ([ ]) around the virtual disk name. The
virtual disk name and quotation marks must be
inside the brackets.
Specifies the WWID of the virtual disk for which
you are setting properties. You can use the WWID
instead of the virtual disk name to identify the
virtual disk. You must put angle brackets (< >)
around the WWID.
NOTE: When running this command, do not
use colon separators in the WWID.
The maximum amount of time that data for the
virtual disk stays in cache before the data is flushed
to physical storage. Valid values are listed in the
Notes section.
The setting to turn on or turn off caching without
batteries. To turn on caching without batteries, set
this parameter to TRUE. To turn off caching
without batteries, set this parameter to FALSE.
The setting to turn on or turn off media scan for
the virtual disk. To turn on media scan, set this
parameter to TRUE. To turn off media scan, set this
parameter to FALSE. (If media scan is disabled at
the storage array level, this parameter has no
The setting to turn on or turn off the replication
cache. To turn on the replication cache, set this
parameter to TRUE. To turn off the replication
cache, set this parameter to FALSE.
The priority for virtual disk modifications while the
storage array is operational. Valid values are
highest, high, medium, low, or lowest.
The RAID controller module that owns the virtual
disk. Valid RAID controller module identifiers are 0
or 1, where, 0 is the RAID controller module in slot
0, and 1 is the RAID controller module in slot 1. Use