You can use any combination of alphanumeric characters, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and pound (#) for
the names. Names can have a maximum of 30 characters.
When you use this command, you can specify one or more of the parameters. You do not, however,
need to use all of the parameters.
A remote replication group repository virtual disk is an expandable virtual disk that is structured as a
concatenated collection of up to 16 standard virtual disk entities. Initially, an expandable repository virtual
disk has only a single element. The capacity of the expandable repository virtual disk is exactly that of the
single element. You can increase the capacity of an expandable repository virtual disk by attaching
additional standard virtual disks to it. The composite expandable repository virtual disk capacity then
becomes the sum of the capacities of all of the concatenated standard virtual disks.
A remote replication group repository virtual disk must satisfy a minimum capacity requirement that is the
sum of the following:
• 32 MB to support fixed overhead for the remote replication group and for copy-on-write processing.
• Capacity for rollback processing, which is 1/5000th of the capacity of the base virtual disk.
The minimum capacity is enforced by the RAID controller module firmware and the MD storage
management software.
Set Session
This command defines how you want the current script engine session to run.
set session errorAction=(stop | continue)
Parameter Description
How the session responds if an error is
encountered during processing. You can choose
to stop the session if an error is encountered, or
you can continue the session after encountering
an error. The default value is stop. (This parameter
defines the action for execution errors, not syntax
errors. Some error conditions might override the
continue value.)
The password for the storage array. Enclose the
password in double quotation marks (“ ”).