Auto-delete Snapshot images: Disabled
Snapshot image schedule: Not Applicable
Show Snapshot Image
This command returns information about the snapshot images that a user had previously created.
Syntax For Showing A Specific Snapshot Image
show (snapImage ["snapImageName"] |
snapImages ["snapImageName1 ... snapImageNamen"] |
Parameter Description
snapImage or snapImages The name of the snapshot image. The name of a
snapshot image is comprised of two parts:
• The name of the snapshot group.
• An identifier for the snapshot image in the
snapshot group.
The identifier for the snapshot image can be one of
• An integer value that is the sequence number
of the snapshot in the snapshot group.
• NEWEST - Use this option when you want to
show the latest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
• OLDEST - Use this option when you want to
show the earliest snapshot image created in the
snapshot group.
Enclose the snapshot image name in double
quotation marks (" ") inside square brackets ([ ]).
You can enter more than one snapshot name or
sequence number. Enclose all of the snapshot
names in one set of double quotation marks (" ")
inside square brackets ([ ]). Separate each snapshot
image name with a white space.
The parameter to return information about all of
the snapshot images in the storage array.
This parameter returns a concise list of information
about the snapshot images.