
EyeTV Software Manual
Chapter 4 · Programs Window
of the EyeTV Programs window. The listing will become more restrictive with
each additional character entered.
Recordings are sorted by Title, Duration, Date and Size. To sort the Recordings
section, click on one of the columns, like the Date column, and the sort will
happen. Click again to reverse the order. You can change the order of the col-
umns, by clicking on the label, and then dragging it to the left or right.
To export a recording to Toast, select it, and then click the Toast button. You
can also drag a file from the Recordings section, to the Video section of Toast
7.0.2 or later. Finally, you can select “for Toast” via the Export command.
To export a recording to the iPod video format, select it, and then click the iPod
button. That will export to a MPEG-4 format, and add the item to an “EyeTV”
playlist in the iTunes Library.
The bottom of the Programs window lists the amount of recordings, and their
total elapsed time. Clicking on that information bar will additionally show the
amount of storage space currently in use by EyeTV recordings.
The Action menu, which looks like a gear, allows you to do the following to re-
Rename - Change the name of the highlighted recording.
Delete - Permanently remove the recording from the Recordings section, and
from the Finder.
Edit - Open up the EyeTV Visual Editor for this recording.
Edit Info - Change the information associated with the recording.
Export - Make a copy of the recording in another encoded format, so other ap-
plications can use it.
Show In Finder - Highlight the actual files that represent this recording, in a
folder in the Finder.
Backup with Toast - Send the recording to Toast for a data disk (not a video
Each time you schedule a program to be recorded, either manually or through
the Program Guide, a new entry will be added to the Schedules section of the
EyeTV Programs window.