
EyeTV Software Manual
Chapter 5 · Programs Window
The Action menu, which looks like a gear, allows you to do the following via the
Compact - Permanently remove marked sections
Export Clip - Save the marked section as a separate file
Save Clip as Recording - Saves the marked section as a separate EyeTV re-
Clear All Markers - Permanently remove all markers
Invert Markers - Reverse which sections are marked, and which are not.
Fine Tuning Edits
In order to find a good start or end for your clip within a recording, EyeTV offers
the following navigational aids to assist you in “drilling down” to the best loca-
• Drag the Playhead with your mouse to roughly go to where
you want to edit. Use the spacebar to play/pause the video.
• When you are close to the spot you want to cut, press the
Add Marker button. This adds a pair of markers that start at
the current position.
• Note that the playhead is connected to the marker with a
violet bar. This means that the playhead is now locked to the
• Drag the left hand marker to the approximate beginning of
your cut. Notice the playhead following the marker. Click on a
thumbnail to move both the marker and playhead to it, or use
the left/right arrow keys. If you need more detail, change the
resolution to Fine, then click on the desired thumbnail to mark
the exact beginning of your cut.
• Repeat the last step with the right hand marker to find the
exact end of your cut.