
EyeTV Software Manual
Chapter 5 · Programs Window
Examples of Using the Visual
Delete Undesirable Content (like Commercials)
Here is a detailed step-by-step example of how to cut out a clip from the middle
of a recording:
1) Open the Editor.
2) Move the Playhead to roughly to where you want to edit. You can always
pause or play the video by using the space bar. When you’re close to the spot
you want to cut, click on a thumbnail to move the playhead to it.
3) Press the Add Marker button. This adds a pair of markers that start at the
current position. Note that the playhead is connected to the marker with a violet
bar. This means that the playhead is now locked to the marker.
4) Drag the left hand marker to the approximate beginning of your cut. Notice
the playhead following the marker. Click on a thumbnail to move both the mark-
er and playhead to it, or use the left/right arrow keys. If you need more detail,
change the resolution to Fine, then click on the desired thumbnail to mark the
exact beginning of your cut.
5) Drag the right hand marker to the approximate end of your cut. Click on the
right marker. Notice the playhead move to the marker and lock itself to it with
the violet bar. Click on a thumbnail to move both the marker and playhead to it,
or use the left/right arrow keys. If you need more detail, change the resolution
to Fine, then click on the desired thumbnail to mark the exact end of your cut.
Crop the Beginning and the End of your Show
Drag the playhead to the beginning of the recording and press Add Marker right
away. Drag the right marker to the true show start time. Then drag the playhead
to the end of the recording, press Add Marker, and move the left marker to the
real end of show.