
EyeTV Software Manual
Chapter 6 · Program Guide
ings. More about this is in the next few sections.
My Account – All of the settings for your grids, and how they interact with
EyeTV (your PVR). Adjust things to exactly suit your needs.
Community – This is a general forum for all things TitanTV. You can leave mes-
sages here for other users to see, or you can use the “Elgato PVR Discussion”
to talk about EyeTV.
Navigating through the Program
The most useful TitanTV web page is the programming grid for your area and
service, located under the My Guide tab on your on-screen remote control. This
grid is divided lengthwise by station/channel number and widthwise by time (in
increments you can choose, from 1-6 hours). You may have to scroll to see all
channels/programs available to you.
Change the Time Segment – It’s easy to view programming through the entire
day. Above the programming grid you’ll find two arrow buttons. Click these but-
tons to view programming previous to your current time segment or following
your current segment. The jump is equal to how many hours of programming
you have displayed, from 1 to 6.
Change the Day of Your Grid – You can even jump ahead and see what’s on to-
morrow or any day/date up to 14 days in advance. Select a day and a time from
the drop-down list and press “Go”. To return to the scheduled programming for
your current time, press the “Now” button.
Program Description – Click the program’s title to view a description of that
Navigating the Guide Tabs
TitanTV offers more types of programming than any other TV listings Web site.
It is easy to look at what programming is available through any of the sources
that come to your house by selecting a guide tab at the top of the page. If your
favorite guide isn’t showing, then go to My Account – Edit Providers/Tabs. The