
728 RotationManifold 48 4,4
[GVKS]{PRDCY}(TT) (Tim) 'Rotation loop + effects. Shifts>loops>verbs>slaps. quad shifts (2 sec) quadloops(40sec) fback to
next loop # quadverbs quadslaps out1=shift1/loop1/verb1/slap4 out2=shift2/loop2/verb2/slap3
out3=shift3/loop3/verb3/slap2 out4=shift4/loop4/verb4/slap1 Quad in, quad out.
729 Skew Loop 1 48 2,2
w Skew is measured in seconds.
730 Skew Loop 2 48 2,2
w Skew is expressed as a percentage of loop length
[GVK]{DY} (Tim) Stereo loops. Right loop has a <skew> amount parameter which adds that amount to its loop length. Max
delay is 80 sec on left and 90 sec on right. Stereo in, stereo out.
731 Undo Manifold 48 2,2
[GVK]{PRD}(TT) (Tim) 'Undo Loop' + effects. pitch>loops>verb>delays. Stereo in, stereo out.
732 Undoloop 48 2,2
[GVK]{D} (Tim) Signal feeds a stereo 30 sec loop used as a buffer. If you like what you hear hit <merge>, If you don't hit
<clear>. During the 'event' no new data can be input. Event duration equal to loop length. Stereo in, stereo out.
733 YourHarmonyDevice 96 2,2
[GV]{PRDMCY} Mono loop (max 10 sec) >3 shifters with preset-able values > autopanner > verb. Build a sequence of
chords with tune 1/2/3 parameters & step through it with triggers or ext. triggers( Tip 2 & Ring 2). <assign1> is volume
pedal to loop. <assign2> is loop feedback. Great 4 E-BOW pads!!! Loop a C Root tone & step through chords while
you solo on top. Summed in, stereo out.
734 4 Tracker#3 48 2,2
735 4 Tracker#4 48 2,2
w pitches for each track.
736 4 Tracker#5 48 2,4
w quad output mixing
[G]{DME}(TT) Choose between the four loops by hand or via <external1>. Summed in, quad out.
8 Delays Modulated
A Bank offering a wide variety of modulated delays. Sophisticated stereo, multi-channel and 5.1
manipulations are also included. Here is where you’ll find mono, stereo and multi-channel choruses,
flangers, leslie simulators, panning moddelays and many of their variations and enhancements,
including some clever emulations of old favorites.
810 'Static' Flanger 48 2,4
810 'Static' Flanger 96 || 2,4
[VK]{DM} Eight flangers modulated such that at any time four are going 'up' and 4 are going 'down'. The result is a flanger
that doesn't really go anywhere... it just sounds 'flangey'. The effect takes a few seconds to kick in. The 'dry' signal is
also delayed 1/2 the value of 'Depth'. Summed in, quad out.
811 Allan's Chorus 96 2,2
[GK]{DME} Here's a rack with 8 digital delays with filtering, modulation, levels and panning for each of them. Dry sound is
parallel to them. One of the secrets to a great chorus/delay sound is the random interactivity in their sweep patterns. A
volume pedal is placed at the input of the structure. A very flexible algorithm. Summed in, stereo out.
812 Auto Tape Flanger 96 2,2
{DM}(TT) The real deal. This pup can sound like you're rocking the reels. Sweep delays parallel to fixed delays so you can
go through zero. Stereo in, stereo out.
813 Band Flanger 48 2,4
[VK]{DME} Input is divided into octaves and each octave is phased separately. Decrease input gain to avoid distortion and
output gain to compensate. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 28 of 109 12/30/2003