4928 QuadRoom#24 48 4,4
4928 QuadRoom#24 96 || 4,4
[S]{R}(TT) Quad version of 'Room 24'. Quad in, quad out.
4929 QuadVerb/Crossfeed 96 || 4,4
4929 QuadVerb/Crossfeed 48 4,4
[S]{R}(TT) Quad Reverb - All four inputs are shared by both the front and rear Reverb Engines. Control the amount of this
sharing by using the X-Feed control. Quad in, quad out.
4930 SaxRoom 96 || 4,4
4930 SaxRoom 48 4,4
[S]{R}(TT) A Quad version of 'Room 24,' tweaked for horns. Quad in, quad out.
4931 StringRoom 96 2,4
[GS]{R}(TT) Similar to 'MonkRoom' without the early reflections. This surround room is tweaked for strings. Stereo in, quad
4932 SurroundRoom#28 96 || 2,4
4932 SurroundRoom#28 48 2,4
[S]{R}(TT) Similar to 'Room 24' - this one has 28 delays, making it extremely smooth and dense. Stereo in, quad out.
4933 Toonchamber_Q 96 2,4
[S]{PR}(TT) Diffusion > e/r > verb. Diffusion + E/R front, verb tail rear. Stereo in, quad out.
4934 Unreelroom_Q 96 2,4
[S]{PR}(TT) Detuners/ early reflections parallel with diffusion>verb. Early reflections out 1+2, verb out 3+4. Stereo in, quad
4935 4 Room#16 Verbs 48 4,4
4935 4 Room#16 Verbs 96 || 4,4
[S]{R} Four 16 delay mono I/O reverbs. Bpm is global for all verbs. <t_rdecay> params go to '12 bars' but <rdecay>
params goes out to '1000 seconds'. Quad in, quad out.
4936 FourSidedVerb 48 4,4
4936 FourSidedVerb 96 || 4,4
[S]{PR}(TT) Each input has a detuned throw to its mated pair 1>2, 2>1, 3>4, 4>3. Then into 4 diffusors and 4 chan verb.
Quad in, quad out.
50 Reverbs - Unusual
These presets show off some of the more creative and unusual possibilities in our modular architecture.
With effects combined and/or embedded inside the reverbs themselves, new and exciting sounds are
This bank offers a range from the unusual to the absurd, giving a number of effects not found on any
other signal processing platform, whether rack-mounted or computer based.
5010 Adaptive Reverb 96 2,2
[GVS]{RD} The delays of a reverb follow the pitch of your input. Make sure you have a good, strong input for the pitch
detect. Mono in, stereo out.
5011 AlienShiftVerb 96 2,2
[GVS]{PRD} You won't hear this anywhere else. It is a UFO taking off from a giant canyon. Might be a great effect to end a
song with. Summed in, stereo out.
5012 Black Hole 96 2,2
[GVS]{RE} An abnormally large reverb, sucking everything into a bottomless chamber. Try setting the diffuser to 68 and the
size to 91 for a reverse hole. Summed in, stereo out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 75 of 109 12/30/2003