6916 Liquid Sky 96 2,2
{DME} Doppler alternating up and down without splicing: What goes up must come down! Free of glitches on any audio.
Slow LFO makes a beat, fast makes a tremolo. Trippy after a reverb. Dual mono in, stereo out.
6917 PolySwirl Tap 48 2,2
{RDME}(TT) A Vanilla Rack, but vanilla can be delicious, too. Switch-able in, stereo out.
6918 September Canons 48 2,2
[GK]{RDM}(TT) Built for performance of the title. Three parallel ping-pong delays > chorus/flanger >verb. The first two
delays are configured as a 'set' with only delay times independently controlled. Tempo monitor as well as external
control of inputs and feedbacks of the 'two' sets of delays asist in performance. Stereo in, stereo out.
6919 SmearCoder 96 || 2,2
6919 SmearCoder 48 2,2
[G]{REY} Swirly clouds surround you. A new twist on gated reverb. A signal is Vocoded with a Smeared version of itself.
The Vocoder can be fed with a clean or distorted signal, as can the Smearverb. Summed in, stereo out.
6920 ToddsPedalShiftVerb 96 2,2
[G]{PR}(TT) Shift>verb <assign 1> controls both voices. <pitch#> sets heel position. <pmod> sets mod amount (toe position).
<pitch> + <pmod> = shift at 'toe' <real #> shows actual value. Preset tweaked for 'thick fifths up' to 'thick octaves up'.
Summed in, stereo out.
70 Programming
Great learning tools for those willing to build their own personal algorithms.
7010 Empty Program 96 0,0
An empty program, to be used as a starting point when using the Patch Editor. Nothing in, nothing out.
7011 Inter-DSP Receive 96 0,0
You need to load this patch in one DSP and Inter-DSP Send patch in the other DSP. The SEND patch will output
control information to the RECEIVE patch, across DSPs, using the C_BRIDGE module. The RECEIVE patch will
monitor the signal from the Global bridge. Use VSIG to see how simple and useful this can be. Nothing in, nothing out.
7012 Inter-DSP Send 96 0,0
You need to load this patch in one DSP and Inter-DSP Receive patch in the other DSP. The SEND patch will
output control information to the RECEIVE patch, across DSPs, using the C_BRIDGE module. The RECEIVE patch will
monitor the signal from the Global bridge. Use VSIG to see how simple and useful this can be. Nothing in, nothing out.
7013 Interface Modules 96 0,0
Tutorial patch showing Interface modules work. Learn the use of knobs, faders, monitors, meters and gangs.
Nothing in, nothing out.
7014 Patch Instruct 96 4,4
{D} Each Delay sets the value for each delay module. <more...> Multiply by number of delays in series to get Delay
Amount. Quad in, quad out.
7015 Tempo Dly_Lfo Jig 96 2,2
7016 Tempo_Verb Jig 96 2,1
{DMR}(TT) This patch shows the use of System Tempo (Setup). Notice the midiclock module and its internal settings, needed to
sync reverb decay time. Summed in, mono out.
7017 TimerDly Jig 96 2,2
{D} (Tim) This patch shows the use of system Timer (Setup). Notice the C_DTIMER module and its connections, needed to
control long delay/looping applications. Summed in, mono out.
7018 X-DSP Contr Receive 96 0,0
This program receives 4 external controllers patched to Assigns 5,6,7,8 from the other DSP, via a C_BRIDGE
module. Load X-DSP Send in the other DSP. You can set controllers and see their monitors there too. Here you simply
need to connect the 4 globals to 4 parameters you need to control and monitor what's being sent from the other DSP.
So 8 controllers live in one DSP, while half of them are sent to the other. Nothing in/out. Nothing in, nothing out.
The H8000 Presets Collection
Release 1.2 Page 96 of 109 12/30/2003