CLI commands
use arp polling interval
Use the ARP polling interval.
no use arp polling interval
Do not use the ARP polling interval.
arp polling max count
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
arp polling max count <number>
Set the polling ARP count.
use arp polling max count
Use the polling ARP count.
no use arp polling max count
Do not use the polling ARP count.
bandwidth level
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
bandwidth level (very-high | high | normal | low)
Set Bandwidth level.
use bandwidth level
Use Bandwidth level.
no use bandwidth level
Don’t use Bandwidth level.
egress vlan
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
egress vlan <number>
Set the tunnel private group id.
use egress vlan
Use the tunnel private group id.
no use egress vlan
Do not use the tunnel private group id.
idle timeout
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
idle timeout <number>
Sets the default idle time out for all users that do not have a specific limit set in their profile.
use idle timeout
Use this attribute.