CLI commands
user defined attribute
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
user defined attribute <name>:<type>:<vendor-id>:<vendor-type>:<format>:<value>
Add a new user defined attribute.
no user defined attribute <description>
Add a new user-defined attribute.
<name> Friendly name for this attribute.
<type> Numerical RADIUS type, 26 is Vendor-Specific.
<vendor-id> If RADIUS type is 26, contains the Vendor-Id. Put 0 if not.
<vendor-type> If RADIUS type is 26, contains the Vendor-Type. Put 0 if not.
<format> Is either ’integer’, ’address’, ’text’, ’string’ or ’time’.
<value> Contains the actual value.
Format description and values:
integer: value is a numerical string.
address: value is a legal IP address, or possibly a host name.
text: value is any string of alphanumerical characters.
string: value is a series of hexadecimal digits.
time: value is a time string.
For related information, see RFC 2138, Section 5.
public ip subnet
Supported on: MSM710 MSM730 MSM750 MSM760 MSM765zl
public ip subnet
Set profile to use the public IP subnet for IP Addressing once authenticated.
no public ip subnet
Removes this attribute.
use public ip subnet
Use this attribute.
no use public ip subnet
Do not use this attribute.