To learn about Windows
Microsoft Windows for Workgroups is basically Microsoft Windows 3.1 with added
features designed to support networked interactions.
Learning About Windows 95
• Start the 10-minute tour of Windows—click Start, Programs, OmniBook Library,
• See the Introducing Microsoft Windows manual shipped with your OmniBook.
• See the Windows online Help—click Start and Help. For an introduction, open
the Introducing Windows topic on the Contents tab.
If Windows is completely new to you, consider buying a book about Windows. You can
probably find one that suits you at your local bookstore.
If you’ve worked with a conventional PC running the Windows operating system, most
parts of the OmniBook screen are probably familiar. However, if you’re new to
Windows, you can use the following sources to learn about Windows on your
• Run the online Tutorial in the Program Manager window—see below.
• See the Windows Quick Start manual—it’s an online manual. In Program Manager,
open the OmniBook Library group, then double-click the Windows Quick Start
To run the Tutorial
• While the Program Manager window is shown, press ALT, then H, then W.
• Move the trackball pointer to the Program Manager window and point it at the Help
menu label, then press and release the left trackball button. Then move the trackball
pointer down to the Windows Tutorial command and press and release the left
trackball button.
To use special features of the OmniBook keyboard
• You can tilt the keyboard with the tilt feet located on the bottom of the OmniBook.
• Use the gold FN (function) key to execute functions with gold-colored labels—for
example, FN+F8 decreases the speaker volume. You press and hold the FN key, then
you press the other key.
• Press the NUM LOCK (number lock) key to use the numeric keypad. With the
keypad active, keys change to the designations shown on their slanted faces; for
instance, keys J, K, and L become 1, 2, and 3. Other keys in this area also become
Learning About
Windows 95
Setting Up
Shortcut Keys