You must enter your password every time you turn on the OmniBook—even if it
turned itself off after a period of inactivity.
Turn On, after FN-OFF
The only time you must enter your password is when you turn on the OmniBook
after you deliberately turned it off by pressing FN+On/Off. (If you turned it off with
just On/Off, you’re not prompted for your password.)
You must enter your password each time you undock the OmniBook from a docking
Save Setup Changes
You must enter your password every time you save changes in the System
Configuration utility or OmniBook Tools.
To remove your password, leave the New Password line empty in the Set User password
dialog box..
To set up an administrator password
You can also set up an administrator password on your OmniBook. The administrator
password can serve as a backup for the user password—you can enter it any time the
user password is requested—or you can use the administrator password to keep your PC
identification or configuration extra secure.
In Windows
1. In Program Manager, double-click the OmniBook Tools icon (in the Main group).
2. Click Password.
If you’re prompted, type your current password and choose OK.
3. Click Set Admin Password.
Type your new password—it can contain up to eight characters—then press TAB.
The display shows * for each character in your password. Leave the box empty if
you want no password.
Hint: Before you type a password, check the status of Num Lock—normally, you’d
want it off so you can type letters.
Type the new password again (in the Verify box), then choose OK.
4. Select or clear the Admin Password Required options you want. See below.
5. Choose OK to activate the changes.
You have two choices for password security, as indicated by the Password Required
To Change PC Identification
You must enter your administrator password every time you save changes to the PC
To Save Setup Changes
You must enter your administrator password every time you save changes in the
System Configuration utility or OmniBook Tools.
In DOS or another operating system
1. Important: Save all your work—you will be rebooting your OmniBook.
Setting Up a