
2. In the Name box, type a person’s name—for example, “Martin, Jean-Claude.”
Remember to type the last name first, because when you sort or search the list of
items, the operation begins by looking at the leftmost character. Putting last names
first will make it easier to find people later.
3. Type information in the rest of the Add New Item box. Here are a few hints:
For ease of typing, you can use the TAB key to tab between fields. (SHIFT+TAB tabs
The Category entry allows you to sort your list into sections for relatives, personal
acquaintances, business contacts, and so on.
You can leave almost any field blank.
4. Click OK to enter the item into the list.
Click Save to enter the item into the list and open a new, blank item. This is a good
way to add several items to the list, one after another.
When you add new persons to the list, they’re automatically placed in alphabetical
To search for a person
1. Type the first letters of the name you want to find.
2. When the highlight is on the name you want, press ENTER to close the Fast Goto
dialog box.
When you start typing a name, Phone Book’s Fast Goto dialog box pops up and searches
as you type. The highlight moves to the name as you type it.