Guardian Service Processor Firmware Update
Guardian Service Processor Firmware Update
This section details the procedures to update the Guardian Service Processor (GSP) firmware. Before starting
the update procedures, there are some pre-update activities to check or perform.
• The update files exist on an FTP server accessible to the GSP LAN.
• The GSP LAN has been configured (using the LC command).
• The GSP internal port is configured (refer to Accessing GSP Internal Port for procedures).
An update file set consists of three files (APPLICATION.ROM, BOOTSTRAP.ROM, and upgrade.cnf).
To update the firmware on the GSP, perform the following steps:
1. Go into the GSP using the ctrl+b command from the local console keyboard, through the local port, or
from an HP-UX server (through GSP internal port), use the cu command .
2. At the GSP prompt (GSP>) type he, to display the help menu, as shown:
GSP> he
Hardware Revision X Firmware Revision A.XX.XX July 16 1999, 17:19:31
AC: Alert delay configuration PC: Remote power control
AR: Config. automatic system restart PS: Power management module status
CA: Confiure serial port parameters RS: System reset through RST signal
CE: Log repair info in history buffer SE: Activate a system session
CO: Return to console mode SL: Display SPU status log
DC: Default configuration SO: Security options & access control
DI: Disconnect remote or LAN console SS: System Processor status
DR: Disable remote or LAN console TC: System reset through INIT signal
ER: Enable remote or LAN console TE: Send a message to other terminals
HE: Display the available commands VFP: Activates alert log display
IT: Modify GSP inactivity timeouts WHO: Display a list of GSP connected users
LC: Configure LAN console XD: GSP diagnostics and reset
LS: Display LAN console status XU: Upgrade the GSP firmware
MR: Modem reset
Where: X is the current hardware revision, and A.XX.XX is the current firmware revision.
3. Select the GSP command XU. This command activates the upgrade mode.
CAUTION All connections will be closed, the network will be stopped, the sessions will be aborted and
the modem connection will be dropped when the XU command is executed.
GSP> xu
This command activates the upgrade mode. All connections will be closed, the network will be stopped,
the sessions will be aborted and the modem connection will be dropped.
Please confirm your intention to activate the upgrade mode (Y/[N]: y
Enter source system IP address: (example only)
Enter file path: /directory/filename (example only)
Do you wish to use the default login: anonymous/GSP@hp.com (Y/[N]): y
-> GSP firmware upgrade in progress
-> GSP firmware upgrade complete - GSP will now reset