Core I/O Connections and Indicators
15. Remote Console Serial Port (Modem) - Provides a 9-pin (Male), D-type, connector for a 9600 bps RS-232
serial port. For connection of a modem or other serial device.
16. Local Console Serial Port - Provides a 9-pin (Male), D-type, connector for a 9600 bps RS-232 serial port.
For connection of a local system console/VT-100 terminal.
17. 10BASE-T LAN Console Port - Provides an RJ45 10BASE-T LAN Console connection.
18. UPS Only - Provides a 9-pin (Male), D-type, connector for a 9600 bps RS-232 serial port. For connection of
a serial device or UPS.
19. 10BASE-T/100BASE-T LAN Port - Provides an RJ45 10BASE-T/100BASE-T System LAN connection.
20. GPS Reset Button (recessed) - When pressed causes a reset function to be executed in the
Guardian Service Processor (GSP).
21. Ultra SCSI II 68-Pin Very High Density Computer Interface (VHDCI) - Provides connection to external
SCSI devices. Autodetects Single ended (default) or Differential SCSI devices.
Console Connection and Configuration
The following describes the installation and configuration of the rp7400 system console.
rp7400 RS-232 Local System Console Installation
The following describes how to install a system console on an rp7400 system. The HP-700 series terminal is
used as an example. Other terminals may be used as a system console as long as they are configured for
VT100 terminal emulation mode.
1. Connect one end of a serial cable to the port labeled Local Console Serial Port, on the I/O Connector panel,
at the rear of the rp7400 server.
2. Connect the other end of the serial cable to the serial/RS232 port on the Console. (RS232 Serial Port
labeling may vary depending on manufacturer.)
3. Connect the System Console to input AC power.
CAUTION The PDU in the rp7400 cabinet supplies 240 VAC. The HP-700 series is auto-ranging, other
terminal types may not be.
Do not plug a terminal into the PDU unless you have first made sure that it is autoranging
and can operate on 240 VAC. Failure to follow this precaution can result in damage to the
System Console Terminal.
4. Turn the System Console AC power switch to ON.
Console Configuration (VT100 mode)
The following describes the steps required to configure the HP 700 series terminal for VT-100 mode for
operation with the rp7400 server.