Determine Other Needs
Determine Other Needs
Special Tools
If an rp7400 server is being added or installed in the top of a cabinet, a step ladder and a GenieĀ® Load Lifter
will be required.
You should plan to install a telephone with a long cord near your computer system to expedite consultations
with Hewlett-Packard Sales Representatives, CEs, AEs, and Response Center personnel. Additional phone
lines, appropriately placed, should be planned if a remote support modem is to be installed with your
computer system. Remote support allows system problems to be diagnosed from a remote location via the
telephone lines.
NOTE Check with your local telephone company to be sure the telephone service at the site can
accommodate modem/data quality transmission.
Record Protection
Safeguards should be taken to protect business records and any other information that is either very
expensive or impossible to duplicate. Duplicate or master records should be maintained so that vital
information can be retrieved quickly in case of an accident. Copies of vital data should be stored well away
from the computer area; normally in some type of fireproof storage device.
A regular updating process should be put into place to ensure that the value of the stored information is
maintained. Electronic data processing insurance is also available to cover both hardware and software.
Contact your local Hewlett-Packard Sales and Service office for details.
Adequate lighting and utility outlets in a computer room reduce the possibility of accidents during equipment
servicing. Safer servicing is also more efficient and, therefore, less costly.
For example, it is difficult to see cable connection points on the hardware if there is not enough light.
Adequate lighting reduces the chances of connector damage when cables are installed or removed.
The minimum recommended illumination level is 70 foot-candles (756 lumens per square meter) when the
light level is measured at 30 inches (76.2 cm) above the floor.
Avoid housing computers in a room with windows. Sunlight entering a computer room may cause problems.
Magnetic tape storage media is damaged if exposed to direct sunlight. Also, the heat generated by sunlight
places an additional load on the cooling system.