Review Customer Responsibilities
Review Customer Responsibilities
The customer is responsible for scheduling, planning, and preparing a suitable environment for the
installation and operation of a complete computer system. The Hewlett-Packard Site Preparation Specialist
will be available to assist you throughout the planning and preparation for and the installation of your
system. Carefully read the Site Planning and Warranty Information provided with your system.
The HP rp7400 Enterprise Servers are primarily designed to be installed and operated in computer room
ENVIRONMENT. The power, airflow, and acoustic characteristics of rp7400 servers make it unsuitable for
operation in office environments.
If computers are new to your site, you will need to pay particular attention to the following items:
• Airflow
• Local building codes
• Local electrical codes
• Local safety codes
• Space and weight limitations/system accessibility
• Environmental requirements (temperature, humidity, etc.)
• Electrical and grounding requirements
If your computer is to be installed in an existing computer room, you should analyze the following items and
integrate them into your site plan:
• Available space
• Environmental requirements
• Electrical requirements
• Airflow
Local Codes
Special local codes exist in some locations regulating the installation of computer equipment. The customer is
responsible for making sure their computer system installation is in compliance with all local laws,
regulations, and codes for mechanical, building, and electrical distribution systems prior to system
installation. The Hewlett-Packard Site Preparation Specialist can assist you in determining your local
Data Communications Equipment
The customer is responsible for ordering and installing all required data communications equipment such as:
• Any hardware or cables for connection or installation of data communications equipment
• Network Links
• Telephone equipment