Insert effects
Select an effect for IFX1–IFX5, and set “Pan (CC#8),” “BUS
Sel. (BUS Select),” “Send 1” and “Send 2” for the signal
that has passed through each insert effect. If the “Chain”
check box is checked, the settings that follow the last IFX
in the chain will be used. “Send 1” and “Send 2” adjust the
amount of master effect that is applied to the signal that
has passed through the IFX.
You can edit these settings in the same way as for a pro-
gram (☞p.104), but you can use MIDI to control dynamic
modulation (Dmod), post-IFX pan (CC#8), Send1, and
Send2. This is particularly useful in Sequencer mode. An
“*” is shown at the right of Ch01–16 for channel numbers
whose track is routed to IFX. If multiple tracks with differ-
ent MIDI channel settings are routed to an IFX, this setting
specifies the channel that will control the effect.
Master effects
Master EQ
These settings can be made in the same way as in “Effect
settings for a program” (☞p.105).
You can use the “Ctrl Ch.” to control these effects;
dynamic modulation (Dmod) on the specified MIDI chan-
nel will control the master effects or master EQ.
Effect settings in Sampling mode
In Sampling mode, an external audio source connected to
the AUDIO INPUT 1, 2, or S/P DIF IN jacks can be sam-
pled with insert effects applied. You can also apply an
insert effect to the samples assigned to a multisample, and
resample the result.
1 Use “Input (SAMPLING)” to specify the external
audio input, and set the Sampling P0: Recording,
Input/Setup page “BUS (IFX/Indiv.) Select” parame-
ter to specify the bus (i.e., the insert effect) to which
the signal will be sent. (☞QS p.21)
The Input settings allow you to input simultaneously
from each input source.
The bus (the insert effect) to which the samples
assigned to the multisample will be sent is specified
by the Sampling P8: Insert Effect, Routing page “BUS
Select (Indiv.Out Assign)” parameter.
Insert effects
Select an effect for IFX1–IFX5, and set “Pan (CC#8)” for
the signal that has passed through each insertion effect. If
the “Chain” check box is checked, the settings that follow
the last IFX in the chain will be used.
Master effects
Master EQ
The master effects and master EQ cannot be used in Sam-
pling mode.