Loading the EXB-MOSS data
After installing the EXB-MOSS, you will need to load the
data for it. The TRITON Extreme contains preload data
and demo song data for the EXB-MOSS.
There are two ways to do this; you can load all of the TRI-
TON Extreme’s preload data, or you can load the mini-
mum amount of data while erasing as little as possible of
the current data. If you load all data, all of the preload
data will be erased, but you’ll need to perform only a sin-
gle load operation. If you load only the minimum data,
the rest of your current data will be preserved, but you’ll
need to perform several load operations.
Loading all data
1 Execute loading as described in “Restoring the fac-
tory settings.”
If you are loading for the first time, you’ll probably
want to set “Kind” to All (Preload PCG and Demo
Song) so that the song data is loaded as well.
If the EXB-MOSS is installed, data for the EXB-MOSS
will be loaded automatically.
2 After you’ve executed the load operation, use
Sequencer mode to listen to the EXB-MOSS demo
For details on the data that is loaded, refer to the pre-
ceding page.
Loading only the minimum data
1 Perform steps 1 and 2 described in “Restoring the
factory settings” to access the “Load Preload/Demo
Data” dialog box.
2 Specify the “Kind” and bank.
Set “Kind”: Program, and “Bank”: F To F (see the illus-
EXB-MOSS programs can be loaded only into Bank F.
3 Press the OK button to execute loading. If you decide
to cancel, press the Cancel button.
When you press the OK button, a dialog box will ask
you for confirmation. Press the OK button to execute
4 As described in steps 1–3, load three more sets of
data with “Kind” and the bank set as follows.
“Kind”: Program, “Bank”: J To J
“Kind”: Program, “Bank”: K To K
“Kind”: Drum Kit, “Bank”: A/B To A/B
“Kind”: Arpeggio Pattern, “Bank”: A/B To A/B
“Kind”: Combination, “Bank”: E To E
EXB-MOSS combinations are created using EXB-
MOSS programs together with preload program
banks J and K. This is why you need to load preload
program banks J and K.
The preload combination data for the EXB-MOSS is
stored in Bank E, and will be available only if the
EXB-MOSS is installed.
5 If you want load the demo song data, access the Load
Preload/Demo Data dialog box, set “Kind” to All
Demo Songs, and press the OK button to load the
Since this method will load the following data, the
data of these banks will be overwritten.
Program: Bank J, K, F
Combination: Bank E (000–063)
Drum Kit: 000 (A/B)–015 (A/B)
Arpeggio Pattern: U000 (A/B)–U199 (A/B)
Demo Songs: S000–S003
The EXB-MOSS data will be loaded into Program
Bank F000–127 and Combination Bank E000–063.