SequencerSamplingSong PlayGlobalEffectMedia, etcPresetOther
The TRITON Extreme does not respond to incoming MIDI
Are all MIDI cables connected correctly?
PG p.288
Is the MIDI data being received on the channel on
which it is being transmitted? ☞PG p.289
The TRITON Extreme does not respond correctly to incoming
MIDI data
Are the Global P1: MIDI settings “Enable Program
Change,” “Enable Bank Change,” “Enable Control
Change,” and “Enable AfterTouch” each checked?
☞PG p.162
If you wish to receive MIDI exclusive messages, is the
“Enable Exclusive” (Global P1: MIDI) item checked?
☞PG p.162
Does the TRITON Extreme support the types of
messages that are being sent to it? ☞PG p.289
CompactFlash or Microdrive in the CF card
Can’t format the CompactFlash or Microdrive
Does the media meet the requirements for use on the
TRITON Extreme? ☞p.137
Is the media inserted correctly?
Can’t save/load data on the CompactFlash or Microdrive
Is the media inserted correctly?
Has the media been formatted?
External USB device
An external USB-connected drive is not recognized
Has the drive been formatted? ☞p.119
Is the external device connected correctly? ☞PG p.325
Did you power-on the USB device before powering-on
the TRITON Extreme?
Use the page menu command “Scan USB device”
(Media, Media Information) to re-mount the USB
When saving data to an external hard disk, the “Error in
writing to medium” message appears frequently
Execute the page menu command “Check Medium”
(Media, Utility page) to detect and correct errors on
the selected MS-DOS format media. ☞PG p.192
Can’t write
Was the drive subjected to physical shock or vibration
while data is being written?
If you are unable to save data such as PCG or SNG
files, has the disc been formatted?
If you are writing audio tracks to create an audio CD, it
is not necessary to format the disc.
Are you using a drive that supports JustLink? With
other drives, only single-speed writing is possible.
Writing is not possible if your drive won’t let you
select single-speed writing. Depending on the
performance of your drive, there may be cases in
which even single-speed writing is not possible.
In addition, if you’re using a USB hub and writing
from a USB hard disk to a USB CD-RW drive, writing
may not be possible with a drive that doesn’t support
Are you using the recommended media for your
If you are writing from an USB drive to CD-R/RW, it
is possible that the transfer speed is insufficient.
→ Writing may be successful if you lower the writing
speed. ☞PG p.196
→ In some cases, you may be able to succeed by first
copying the data from the USB drive to the CF card slot
media, and then executing the Write operation from
the CF card slot media.
In some cases, a certain length of time may be required
before the data begins to be saved. When first saving
data on high-capacity media (e.g., the first time after
powering-on the TRITON Extreme that you save in
Media mode or execute sampling to media in
Sampling mode), some time will be required to
allocate free area.
Are you using blank media?
→ If using CD-R, please use new media. If using CD-RW,
use the page menu command “Erase CD-RW” (Media,
Make Audio CD) to erase the contents of the media
before you execute Save.
A CD-R/RW saved on the TRITON Extreme is not
recognized by an external device.
A CD-R/RW saved or copied on the TRITON Extreme
using packet writing is not recognized on a computer.
→ If you install a UDF version 1.5 compatible UDF reader
or packet writing software on your computer, it will be
possible to recognize the disc. ☞PG p.330
→ In the case of a CD-R, it may be possible to make the
disc be recognized by executing the page menu com-
mand “Convert to ISO9660 Format” (Media, Utility
page) to convert the disc to ISO9660 format. However
depending on the state in which the disc was saved, it
may be converted into ISO9660 level 3 format, and may
still not be recognized. In this case if you install
ISO9660 level 3 compatible reader software or packet
writing software on your computer, it will be possible
to recognize the disc. ☞PG p.330
A CD-R/RW that was saved or copied on the TRITON
Extreme using packet writing is not recognized by the
→ These models do not support UDF version 1.5, and
therefore will not recognize such a disc.