6 Use “High Drumsample Bank,” “High Drumsam-
ple,” “Low Drumsample Bank,” and “Low Drumsam-
ple” to specify the drum sample that will be assigned
to this note number.
If you have selected a Low Drumsample, use “Velocity
Sample SW Lo→Hi” to specify how velocity will
switch between the High Drumsample and Low
Drumsample. (☞7)
If you set “High/Low Drumsample Bank” to ROM,
you’ll be able to select ROM drum samples. If you set it
to RAM, you’ll be able to select samples you sampled
on the TRITON Extreme or loaded in Media mode.
About the ROM drum samples
The TRITON Extreme contains 1,175 different drum
samples in ROM. When you press the popup button,
you will be able to select ROM drum samples from 15
categories. (☞For a list of the drum sample names,
refer to “VNL”)
7 Use “Velocity Sample SW Lo→Hi” to specify how
velocity will switch between drumsamples.
The drumsample that sounds when you perform will
depend on the velocity (keyboard playing strength) of
the incoming note. This is called velocity drumsample
If you set this to 001, only the High Drumsample will
☞ This is the same type of function as the Velocity Multi-
sample Switching in a program. (“High Multisample
and Low Multisample” ☞p.24)
8 Set the parameters of the drumsamples that you
Set the parameters for the High Drumsample and Low
You can set parameters such as volume level (“Level”),
pitch (“Transpose,” “Tune”), and tone (“Cutoff,” “Res-
onance”). (☞For details on each parameter, refer to PG
9 As necessary, repeat steps 4–8 to set drumsample
parameters for each note number.
If you wish to use the settings of another “KEY,” select
the page menu command “Copy Key Setup”.
0 Select the Voice/Mixer page in Global P5: Drum Kit.
A Set the “Exclusive Group.”
The “Exclusive Group” setting is used when you wish
to group drumsamples of the same type.
For example if the note number assigned to an open hi-
hat drumsample and a closed hi-hat drumsample are
set to the same exclusive group number, the open hi-
hat and closed hi-hat can not be sounded simulta-
neously, ensuring that the hi-hat performance will
sound natural.
B Use “BUS Select” to specify the output routing.
Set this when you wish to send the output of the drum-
sample assigned to each note number to its own insert
effect or AUDIO OUTPUT (INDIVIDUAL) jack 1–4.
For example you might send all snare sounds to IFX1,
all kick sounds to IFX2, and the remaining sounds to L/
R. You can also specify 1, 2, 3, 4, 1/2, or 3/4 so that spe-
cific drum samples will be sent to the AUDIO OUTPUT
(INDIVIDUAL) 1–4 jacks.
The settings you make here are used if “Use DKit Set-
ting” (Program P8: Edit-Inert Effect, Routing page) is
checked for the program that uses this drum kit. (☞PG
p.30, 207)
C Use “Pan” to specify the stereo output position.
The setting you make here is valid if the “Use DKit
Setting” is checked (Program P4: Edit-Amp., Amp1
Level/Pan page) for the program that uses this drum
kit (☞PG p.23).
D Use “Send1(MFX1)” and “Send2(MFX2)” to set the
send levels to the master effects.
The settings you make here are valid if the “Use DKit
Setting” is checked (Program P8: Edit-Insert Effect,
Routing page) for the program that uses this drum kit.
E Use the page menu command “Write Drum Kits” to
save the data.
If you wish to change the name of the drum kit before
you save it, use the page menu command “Rename
Drum Kit” (☞p.115, 116).
If you turn off the power before writing the data into
memory, your edits will be lost (“Memory in Global
mode” ☞p.116).
When you play the keyboard in Global mode, the
TRITON Extreme will sound as in the previous mode
in which you were previously. Be aware that if you
moved from Sampling mode to Global mode in a
state where the sample memory (RAM) contained no
data (such as immediately after the power is turned
on), playing the keyboard will not produce sound.
When you move from Sequencer to Global mode,
playing the keyboard will sound the program or
arpeggiator that corresponds to the global MIDI
channel (set in Global P1).
The settings that you edit in Global mode are pre-
served as long as the power remains on, but will be
lost if not written to memory before the power is
turned off. The data handled in Global mode can be
classified into three types: user drum kit settings
(Global P5), user arpeggio pattern settings (Global
P6), and all other global settings (Global P0–P4). Each
of these three types of data can be written into the
memory area. This data can also be saved to various
types of media in Media mode. (☞p.116, 117)
Global mode does not provide a Compare function
that lets you make before-and-after comparisons of
your editing. Before editing user drum kits, or user
arpeggio patterns, you may wish to use “Copy Drum
Kit” or “Copy Arpeggio Pattern” to copy the user
drum kit or user arpeggio pattern to an unused num-
SequencerSamplingSong PlayGlobalEffectMedia, etcPresetOther