
FastScan and FlexTest Reference Manual, V8.6_4
Flatten Model Command Dictionary
Flatten Model
Tools Supported: FastScan and FlexTest
Scope: Setup mode
FLAtten MOdel
Creates a primitive gate simulation representation of the design.
The tool automatically flattens the design hierarchy down to the logically
equivalent design when you exit Setup mode. However, there may be times that
you would like to access the flattened model without having to exit Setup mode.
For example, you may want to add ATPG constraints and functions before you
exit Setup mode.
If you exit Setup mode and then add ATPG constraints and functions, the design
rule checker does not have access to those ATPG constraints during the rule
checking. If you issue the Flatten Model command in Setup mode and then add
those ATPG constraints, the design rule checker has access to them during the rule
The following example shows flattening the design to the simulation primitives
before adding constraints that the rule checker then uses when you run the design
rule checker. The rule checker runs when you first attempt to exit Setup mode
flatten model
add atpg functions and_b_in and /i$144/q /i$141/q /i$142/q
add atpg constraints 0 /i$135/q
add atpg constraints 1 and_b_in
set system mode atpg
Related Commands
Add Atpg Constraints
Add Atpg Functions
Set System Mode