Technical Notes—Optional Accessories
Notes on Optional Speedlights
Refer to the Speedlight manual for detailed instructions. If the Speedlight supports
the Creative Lighting System, refer to the section on CLS-compatible digital SLR cam-
eras. The D50 is not included in the “digital SLR” category in the SB-80DX, SB-28DX,
and SB-50DX manuals.
The shutter will synchronize with an external fl ash at speeds of
500 s or slower.
i-TTL and Auto Aperture (AA) fl ash control are available only with CPU lenses. Se-
lecting spot metering while an SB-800 or SB-600 Speedlight is attached activates
standard i-TTL Flash for Digital SLR.
i-TTL fl ash control is available at all sensitivity (ISO equivalency) settings. If the fl ash-
ready indicator blinks for about three seconds after a photograph is taken with i-TTL
fl ash control, the photograph may be underexposed.
When an SB-800 or SB-600 is mounted on the camera, AF-assist illumination and
red-eye reduction are performed by the optional Speedlight. With other Speedlights,
AF-assist illumination is performed using the AF-assist illuminator on the camera (
Auto power zoom is available only with SB-800 and SB-600 Speedlights.
In P, , , , , , , and modes, the maximum aperture (minimum f/-number)
is limited according to sensitivity (ISO equivalency) as shown below:
Maximum aperture at ISO equivalent of
200 400 800 1600
, , , , , 4 4.8 5.6 6.7
8 9.5 11 13
For each one-step increase in sensitivity (e.g., from 200 to 400), aperture is stopped
down by half an f/-stop. If the maximum aperture of the lens is smaller than that
listed above, the maximum value for aperture is the maximum aperture of the lens.
When an SC-series 17, 28, or 29 sync cable is used for off-camera fl ash photography,
correct exposure may not be achieved using i-TTL Balanced Fill-Flash for Digital SLR.
We recommend that you choose spot metering to select Standard i-TTL Flash for
Digital SLR. Take a test shot and view the results in the monitor.
In i-TTL mode, use the fl ash panel provided with your Speedlight. Do not use other
panels such as diffusion panels, as this may produce incorrect exposure.