Reference—Viewing Photographs
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1 Protect status...................................................... 56
2 Image high lights (brightest areas of image) are
marked by a fl ashing border.
3 Frame number / total number of images
1 Protect status...................................................... 56
2 Frame number / total number of images
3 Histogram showing the dis tri bu tion of tones in the
im age. The horizontal axis cor re sponds to pixel
bright ness, with dark tones to the left and bright
tones to the right. The vertical axis shows the num-
ber of pix els of each brightness in the image. Note
that camera histogram is intended as guide only and
may differ from histograms displayed in imaging ap-
Advanced Settings
Rotate Tall controls whether “tall” (portrait-orientation) photographs are dis-
played in tall orientation during playback ( 84). 5: Image Review controls
whether photographs are automatically displayed in the monitor after shooting (
90). 17: Monitor Off controls how long the monitor will remain on when no
operations are performed ( 100).