Tutorial—Taking Photographs in Mode
This section describes how to take pictures in (auto) mode, an automat-
ic, “point-and-shoot” mode in which the majority of settings are controlled
by the camera in response to shooting conditions.
Turn the camera on
Taking Photographs in Mode
“Point-and-Shoot” Photography
1.1 Remove the lens cap and turn the camera
on. The control panel will turn on and
the display in the viewfi nder will light.
The monitor remains off during shoot-
1.2 Check the battery level in the viewfi nder
or control panel.
fi nder Description
— Battery fully charged.
— Battery partially discharged.
Low battery. Ready fully-
charged spare battery.
(blinks) (blinks)
Shutter-release disabled.
Change battery.
1.3 The exposure count displays in the con-
trol panel and viewfi nder show the num-
ber of photographs that can be stored on
the memory card. Check the number of
exposures remaining.
If there is not enough memory to store
additional photographs at current set-
tings, the display will fl ash as shown at
right. No further pictures can be taken
until the memory card has been replaced
or pictures have been deleted.
Photography and Playback