Setup Shooting Options: The Shooting Menu
Tone Comp.
Choose the amount of contrast. The default set-
ting is Auto; a setting of Custom is available to
select a user-defi ned tone curve downloaded to
the camera using Nikon Capture 4 version 4.3 or
later (available separately). See the Nikon Cap-
ture 4 manual for details.
If Auto is selected for Sharpening or Tone Comp, results will vary with exposure
and the position of the subject in the frame. A type G or D lens is recommended.
Color Mode
Choose the “Adobe RGB” color profi le when using imaging software to open pho-
tographs taken in Mode II. See the software documentation for details. Modes IIIa
and Ia are recommended for photographs that will be printed without modifi cation
or viewed in applications that do not support color management.
Color Mode
Choose from the following options for color reproduction:
Option Description
III a (sRGB)
Produces nature and landscape shots with vivid colors. Pho to -
graphs are adapt ed to sRGB col or space.
Ia (sRGB)
Produces portraits with soft, natural colors. Pho to graphs are
adapted to sRGB col or space.
II (Adobe RGB)
Photographs taken at this setting are adapted to Adobe RGB
color space. This color space is capable of expressing wider
gamut of colors than sRGB, making it preferred choice for im-
ages that will be extensively processed or retouched.
Control the vividness of colors. The default set-
ting is Normal.