Configuring and Managing NetWare Traditional Volumes 19
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
3.3 Creating a NetWare Partition for Traditional
The first task for setting up the NetWare Traditional file system is to create partitions on your
storage devices. The maximum supported partition size for Traditional NetWare partitions is 4 GB.
1 In Novell Remote Manager for NetWare, click Manage Server > Partition Disks.
2 Locate the device that you want to create the partition on, then click the Create link next to it.
3 In the Partition Type drop-down list, select the type of partition you want to create. For
example, a Traditional NetWare partition.
4 Click Create Partition and Volume.
5 Specify the size of the partition in bytes (B), kilobytes (KB), megabytes (MB), or gigabytes
The physical size of the partition must be at least 100 KB.
If you plan to make this a mirrored partition, it must be compatible in data area size with other
partitions you plan to use. The partition should not be more than 120 MB larger than the data
size of the existing partitions in the mirror group.
6 (Conditional) To create a partition that can be mirrored, click Mirror, then select one of the
following options:
Create New Mirror: This option means you are making the partition capable of being
part of a mirror group. You do not actually create the group until you add another mirrored
partition to the partition you are creating.
Existing Mirror Group: This option lets you add this new partition to one of the mirror
groups in the list. From the list of existing mirror groups that are compatible in data area
size, select the ID of the mirrored partition.
7 Complete the required fields, click Create, then click OK to confirm your decision.
If this is a mirrored partition, NetWare displays the status as “100% mirrored” when the
mirroring is complete.
3.4 Expanding the Size of a NetWare Partition
1 In Novell Remote Manager for NetWare, click Manage Server > Partition Disks.
2 Locate the partition you want to expand, then click the Expand link next to it.
3 Under Free Disk Space, select the device with the amount of space available that you want to
4 Specify the amount of space (in megabytes) that you want to use.
5 Click Expand.
3.5 Unmirroring a Mirrored NetWare Partition
If a partition is mirrored, you must unmirror it before you can delete it. For more information about
mirroring, see Chapter 5, “Using Software RAID1 Devices for Data Fault Tolerance,” on page 35.
1 In Novell Remote Manager for NetWare, click Manager Servers > Partition Disks.
2 Locate the partition you want to unmirror, then click the Remove Mirror link next to it.