54 OES 2: NetWare Traditional File System Administration Guide
novdocx (en) 6 April 2007
To resolve memory errors when a volume mounts, perform the following actions or ensure that the
following conditions exist:
Check the status of the available cache buffers. If the cache buffers are fewer than 20%, add
more RAM to your server.
Free up memory by unloading resources.
On volumes using the Traditional file system, streamline the directory structure. Each
subdirectory takes at least one directory block (by default, a 4 KB block of memory).
Therefore, subdirectories with only one file require as much memory as directories with 32
files. Check the 4 KB size.
For example, you can free up memory by combining few files in many directories into fewer
directories so that most directories have about 32 files, then purging the deleted subdirectories
and files.
Calculate how much memory you need and add memory to the server.
Remove any recently added name space support.
WARNING: This is a destructive step that destroys all the extended file information. Before
taking this step, try to free up enough memory so that the volume mounts and you can back up
the data.
Have all users log out, then unload all NLM programs except the volume’s disk drivers.
Dismount any mounted volumes.
To remove the name space on a Traditional volume, load the Vrepair utility, select Set Vrepair
Options, then select the Remove Name Space Support from the Volume and Write All Directory
and FAT Entries Out to Disk options. Exit to the main menu, then run VRepair > Repair a
Vo lume on the volume that would not mount.
8.8 Resolving Volume Mounting Problems
Caused by Corrupted Directory Entry Tables or
File Allocation Tables
To diagnose problems when mismatches exist in the duplicate copies of the FAT and directory entry
table (DET) on Traditional volumes, identify whether the following conditions exist:
A power failure has occurred and the server has not been shut down with the down command.
A server disk has failed.
A disk channel error has occurred. A volume does not dismount when you enter the
dismount command.
Directory information in cache is not completely written to disk.
To resolve problems when mismatches exist in the duplicate copies of the FAT and DET, do the
Use the Vrepair utility to repair the disk.
Add a UPS system so that the server is shut down automatically when a power failure occurs.
Replace faulty disks or controllers.