Genicom 3840 and 3410 ANSI Emulation
Control Codes and Escape Sequences Grouped by
End of Text EXT
If “ETX/ACK” is set to “On” in the serial interface setup menu, then receipt of an ETX causes the printer to
transmit an ACK to the host computer.
Since the ETX may be a legal value within an escape sequence, it is the user's responsibility to ensure that an
ETX used for data handshake is not sent within an escape sequence. The user must also ensure that the
maximum block size or the number of blocks sent at one time does not exceed the input buffer size of the
ETX/ACK handshake is available only with serial I/O.
Control code: EXT
Hexadecimal: 03
Character Size
ANSI Oversized Font ESC [(pv);(ph)<SP>B
Set Character Size
Sets the scaling of the oversize characters in percentage points. Pv is the vertical expansion, and Ph is the
horizontal. The base font is a 10-point font. These settings are non-volatile, and should be set once before
using the oversize font.
Differences from Genicom 3840 and 3410:
All Oversized Character features are supported. Expanded Mode is not supported in this printer.
Software Options That Affect Oversized Printing
Software Options are selected under the FormsPro, FormsMaster or PrintMaster series printer front panel
Setup feature. These settings are non-volatile. One of these options affects Oversized Mode:
OPTIONS MENU Possible Values
Top of Oversized On / Off
When enabled, the vertical position on exiting oversized mode places the text baseline for subsequent printing
so the top of the next character printed will align with the top of the oversized character cell.
When disabled, the paper advances 1/8 inch on exiting oversized mode. Line/Character Spacing
ESC [(p1);(p2)<SP>G