
ANSI X3.64 Emulation
Example: The following escape sequence will print six bytes of graphics data at 240 dpi. The resulting figure
will resemble a backslash character, “\”.
Escape Sequence: ESC Z 6 0 128 64 32 16 8 4
Hexadecimal: 1B 5A 06 00 80 40 20 10 08 04
m DPI Graphics ESC * m n1 n2 data
Selects eight wire graphics of density m as listed in the following table for n1 + (n2 x 256) columns of data.
m Density _______
0 60 dpi (same as ESC K)
1 120 dpi (same as ESC L)
2 120 dpi high speed (same as ESC Y)
3 240 dpi high speed (same as ESC Z)
4 80 dpi
5 72 dpi
6 90 dpi
7 144 dpi
Example: The following escape sequence will print four bytes of graphics data at 72 x 72 dpi. The resulting
figure will resemble a square, since the horizontal and vertical density are the same. If some other density is
chosen, the figure will resemble a rectangle.
Escape Sequence: ESC * 5 4 0 < < < <
Hexadecimal: 1B 2A 05 04 00 3C 3C 3C 3C
Printer Controls
Bell BEL
Causes the printer's bell to sound.
Control code: BEL
Hexadecimal: 07
Unidirectional Mode (one line) ESC <
Selects unidirectional mode for the current line (until a carriage return is received). This will force the line to
print from left to right.
Escape Sequence: ESC <
Hexadecimal: 1B 3C
Unidirectional Mode ESC U n
Selects unidirectional mode for n=1, or bidirectional mode for n=0. Printing is normally bidirectional.
Unidirectional printing provides more accurate positioning, but causes lower throughput.