
ANSI X3.64 Emulation
Master Print Mode Select ESC ! n
Selects any valid combination of modes from the following table. The value of n is determined by adding
together the values of the desired modes from the table.
n Attribute
0 10 cpi
1 12 cpi
4 Condensed
8 Emphasized
16 Double-Strike
32 Double-Wide
64 Italic
128 Underline
Example: The following escape sequence will select 12 cpi condensed, resulting in 20 cpi character spacing.
Escape Sequence: ESC ! 5
Hexadecimal: 1B 21 05
Example: The following escape sequence will select emphasized, double-wide, and underline, for a heading
that really stands out.
Escape Sequence: ESC ! 168
Hexadecimal: 1B 21 A8
Character Sets
Select Draft or Letter Quality ESC x n
Selects draft for n=0 or letter quality for n=1. Same as ESC k 0 or ESC k 1. Overrides the “Font” value in
the forms menu.
Example: The following escape sequence will select draft print.
Escape Sequence: ESC x 0
Hexadecimal: 1B 78 30