
ANSI X3.64 Emulation
Backspace BS
Causes the current line to be printed, and then moves the current print position one space to the left. The
actual distance moved depends on the current character spacing. Backspacing can be done up to, but not
beyond, the left margin.
Control code: BS
Hexadecimal: 08
Vertical Position
Line Feed LF
Causes the current line to be printed, and then advances the paper one line at the current line spacing. If
“Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed.
Control code: LF
Hexadecimal: 0A
Variable Distance Line Feed ESC J n
Causes the current line to be printed, and then performs a single line feed of n/216ths of an inch. 0n255.
Does not change the current line spacing. If “Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage
return will also be performed.
Example: The following escape sequence will advance the paper one half inch.
Escape Sequence: ESC J 108
Hexadecimal: 1B 4A 6C
Variable Distance Reverse Line Feed ESC j n
Performs a single reverse line feed of n/216ths of an inch. 0n255. Does not change the current line
spacing. If “Auto CR” is set to “On” in the interface setup menu, a carriage return will also be performed.
Example: The following escape sequence will move the paper down one half inch.
Escape Sequence: ESC j 108
Hexadecimal: 1B 6A 6C
Form Length and Form Feed
Form length is the distance from the top of the form to the bottom of the form. Form length may be specified
either in inches, or in lines. A form feed will advance the paper to the top of the next form. Some programs
do not send form feeds. Instead, they count line feeds, and send the appropriate number of line feeds to fill
out the page. The usual rational is that the program is then in complete control of form length, and will work