
TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 201
e Custom PRF mode (Portamento Reshaping Filter) of the Legato Portamento rule incorporates region
specic PRF lter settings as well as extended portamento controls like slide range, velocitiy sensitivity, and
slide curve type.
How it works
To put it simply, the user denes four lter settings (Fc, Q0, Q0H, V0) for each of the Up Long, Up Short,
Down Short and Down Long intervals using the PRF editor tab. e PRF then tracks the currently running
pitch of a sample and continuously morphes between these “Up interval” and “Down interval” lter points.
Unique PRF lter settings can be specied for every region and sub-region of an instrument.
Loading a factory PRF prole
Creating accurate PRF proles from scratch can be an involved process, for this reason GS4 includes a
nominal set of factory PRF proles for dierent instrument types that are easily applied to any 24-bit
instrument. To load a factory PRF prole to an instrument, rst select the Custom Legato Mode in the
Mono Mode Rule Dialog then navigate to the “Portamento Reshaping Filter Tab” and click ‘Load from le’.
Factory PRF proles are installed in the following directory:
C:\Program Files\Common Files\TASCAM\Giga\proles\Portamento Reshaping
Select and open the appropriate factory PRF prole then hit ‘Apply’. Aer clicking ‘Apply” you will be able
to audition the loaded prole. If you are working in the Editor, PRF proles can be saved permanently into
a .gig le instrument. If you are working in GigaStudio however, PRF proles can only be saved into a .gsi
(GigaStudio Instrument) or .gsp (GigaStudio Performance) and are not stored in the original .gig