
TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 95
Load Indicator Lights
Not loaded. e .gig le is not loaded. You need to click the Download
button to load it to the selected MIDI channel.
Loaded. e .gig le is loaded. e instrument you hear matches the
settings you have made in the Editor.
Save and reload required. e .gig le is loaded, but you have made edits
that require the le be saved to disk and reloaded before they can be heard.
e instrument you hear may no longer match the settings you have made in
the Editor. e yellow RELOAD indicator means that the le can be saved
Full save and reload required. e red RELOAD indicator means that the
instrument has changed so extensively that the le must be completely
rewritten, potentially a more time consuming operation.
When the RELOAD indicator is lit, you can continue to edit the instrument, but you will not hear all of
your edits until you have done a save/reload cycle:
Click on the Download button.
You can save the le to its original location (Save)
or to a new location (Save As).
Note that if you choose Save As, the Editor will
always perform a full save.
If a full save is required anyway, the Save As option
may be faster, because it avoids the necessity of
writing an intermediate le in the temp directory.
ese are major changes that alter the structure of the .GIG le and require a full save:
Adding, deleting, or replacing instruments, regions, or samples.
Adding, deleting, reordering or changing dimensions and splits.
Separating Parameters from .GIG file
Doing a complete full save can be time consuming if you are dealing with large .gig les. is problem has
been solved with the ability to separate the instrument parameters from the samples.
1. Go to the File menu and choose Save As…