
TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 63
16. Make sure all four velocity splits are still highlighted. is lter will
span all four splits. (You can however have individual lter settings for
each velocity split if you want.)
Also notice that the Release Time (3.000 sec) is indicated here as well.
17. Go back to the Parameters Window and change to the Filter category.
18. Set the Filter Type parameter to Lowpass.
19. Now play the Kick Drum and notice how the tone gets darker or brighter depending on how hard
you play. ere are two types of tone change happening here at once. One is the sound of the
velocity switching between soer and louder recordings of the Kick Drum. e other is the Lowpass
Filter. Between these two things, you can get a smooth transition from so to loud. Feel free to
experiment with the other lter settings.
e nal step for the Kick Drum is to create a second region so that we have two keys to trigger (like a
double kick setup).