
TASCAM GigaEditor 4 Manual 61
11. Drag the velocity split point to adjust the splits until they sound
and feel right. Play the Kick drum and use the blue arrow as a guide
as you adjust the split points.
is example shows a popular velocity split setting that works well
on percussive instruments. Many keyboards don’t reach the very
low velocity range so it helps to make the lowest velocity a little
larger than the rest so you can hear it. e top velocity has a
narrower range so that it only triggers when you really hit the key
fairly hard.
e next step is to put a longer release time on this Kick Drum. e default release time (300 milliseconds)
is a bit too short.
12. Select all the velocity splits of the Kick drum so that they are all
is way, any edits we perform will apply to all of them at once.
13. In the Parameters Window, click the header bar and choose “EG1 (amplitude)” from the context menu.
is will bring up the Amplitude Envelope category of parameters.