TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Scan Mode Display (Roll Mode). When the SEC/DIV control is set to
100 ms/div or slower and the trigger mode is set to Auto, the
oscilloscope enters the scan acquisition mode. In this mode, the
waveform display updates from left to right. There is no trigger or
horizontal position control of waveforms during scan mode.
Window Zone. Use the Window Zone option to define a segment of a
waveform to see more detail. The Window time base setting cannot
be set slower than the Main time base setting.
time base
Window Zone
Vertical bars define Window Zone
Window. Expands the Window Zone to cover the entire screen.
NOTE. When you change between the Main, Window Zone, and
Window views, the oscilloscope erases any waveform saved on the
screen through persistence.
Holdoff. Use holdoff to help stabilize the display of aperiodic
waveforms. Refer to Trigger Controls on page 99 for more