TDS2CMA Communications Module
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Testing the RS-232 Interface
To test the oscilloscope RS-232 interface, follow these steps:
1. Connect the oscilloscope to a personal computer (PC) using an
appropriate RS-232 cable (refer to the table on page 134).
2. Power on the PC.
3. On the PC, run a terminal-emulator program such as Microsoft
Windows Hyperterminal. Make sure the PC serial port is set as
Function Setting
Baud rate
Data flow control hardflagging
Parity N one
4. Power on the oscilloscope.
5. Connect the oscilloscope probe to the channel 1 input connector.
Attach the probe tip and ground lead to the PROBE COMP
The PROBE COMP signal is a square wave with a frequency
of ≈1 kHz and a peak voltage of ≈5 V. The next figure shows how
to connect the probe to the oscilloscope.