Appendix A: Specifications
TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Oscilloscope Specifications (Cont.)
Pulse Width Trigger
Pulse Width Trigger
Trigger when < (Less than), > (Greater than), = (Equal), or ≠
(Not Equal); Positive pulse or Negative pulse
Pulse Width Trigger
Equal: The oscilloscope triggers when the trailing edge of the
pulse crosses the trigger level.
Not Equal: If the pulse is narrower than the specified width, the
trigger point is the trailing edge. Otherwise, the oscilloscope
triggers when a pulse continues longer than the time specified as
the Pulse Width.
Less than: The trigger point is the trailing edge.
Greater than (also called time-out trigger): The oscilloscope
triggers when a pulse continues longer than the time specified as
the Pulse Width.
Pulse Width Range Selectablefrom33nsto10s
Pulse Width 16.5 ns or 1 part per thousand, whichever is larger
Equal Guardband t > 330 ns: ±5% ≤ guardband < ±(5.1% + 16.5 ns)
t ≤ 330 ns: guardband = ±16.5 ns
Not Equal Guardband t ≤ 330 ns: guardband = ±16.5 ns
165 ns < t ≤ 330 ns: guardband = --16.5 ns/+33 ns
t ≤ 165 ns: guardband = ±16.5 ns