TDS1000/2000-Series Digital Oscilloscope User Manual
Math FFT
This chapter contains de tailed information on how to use the Math
FFT (Fast Fourier Transform). You can use the FFT Math mode to
convert a time-domain (YT) signal into its frequency components
(spectrum). You can use the Math FFT mode to view the following
types of signals:
H Analyze harmonics in power lines
H Measure harmonic content and distortion in system s
H Characterize noise in DC power supplies
H Test impulse response of filters and systems
H Analyze vibration
To use the Math FFT mode, you need to perform the following tasks:
H Set up the source (time-domain) waveform
H Display the FFT spectrum
H Select a type of FFT window
H Adjust the sample rate to display the fundamental frequency and
harmonics without aliasing
H Use zoom controls to magnify the spectrum
H Use cursors to mea sure the spect rum