2. Web Configuration Interface
2.1 Logging Into the Web Configuration Interface
• Before logging on the first time, verify that you have the latest Java installed on your computer (Java 1.6 or higher is required). If not, you
can download and install Java from http://www.java.com/en/download/index.jsp.
• Only SSL connections are allowed, so you must start the IP address with HTTPS, not HTTP.
1. Openyourwebbrowser(seetheClient Computer Compatibility sectionofthismanualforbrowsersupport)andenterintheIPaddress
of the KVM.
2. WhenloggingintotheKVMfromyourwebbrowser,aSecurityAlertmessageappearstoinformyouthatthedevice’scerticateisnot
• If you are working on a computer other than your own, accept the certificate for just this session by clicking to proceed.
• If you are working at your own computer, install the certificate. Reference the instructions in the Security Certificate Installation
section of this manual.
3. Uponinstallingthecerticateoracceptingtheunrecognizedcerticateforthecurrentsession,theJavaapplicationbeginstoinstall.
Before the installation completes, a security warning may appear stating that the connection to this website is untrustworthy. This is
control panel. Refer to the Security Certificate Installation section of this manual for further instructions.
4. After installation has completed, the login page appears. If the login page does not appear on its own, click the Log On button in the
center of the web page to bring it up. If clicking on the Log On button does not bring up the login page, add /targets.jnlp to the end of
your IP address.