4. Local Console
4.3 Power Management
management functions available to you are described below. Note: In order to perform power management actions on a port, it must be
configured to match a power outlet of a power device that has been added to the KVM. (See the Power Device and Power Outlets sections
of this manual for details)
Cycle – Choose the Cycle option to perform a power cycle on the computer/server connected to the selected port.
Up –Choose the Up option to turn the power to the computer/server connected to the selected port on.
Down – Choose the Down option to turn the power to the computer/server connected to the selected port off.
To Power Manage a computer:
1. Open the OSD and highlight the desired computer using the [h] and [i] arrow keys.
2. Press the [Enter] key to access the highlighted computer.
3. Whenaccessingthecomputer,pressandreleasetheleft[Shift]key,andthenpressandreleasethe[F12]key.Note: This hotkey
combination will change if the hotkey combination used to open the OSD is changed. When the OSD hotkey is [Shift] + [Shift], the
Power Management hotkey is [Shift] + [F12]. When the OSD hotkey is [Ctrl] + [Ctrl] or [Ctrl] + F11], the Power Management hotkey is
[Ctrl] + [F12]. When the OSD hotkey is [Print Screen] + [Print Screen], the Power Management hotkey is [Print Screen] + [F12].
4. The Power Control dialog box appears.
5. Highlightthedesiredfunctionusingthe[h] and [i] arrow keys, and then press the [Enter] key.
6. A prompt appears, asking you to confirm the operation.
7. To perform the selected operation, choose Yes. The power command is sent.
4.4 (F2) Setting
TheOSD’sF2 – SETTING menuallowsyoutocongurethefollowingsettings:
• Device IP address
• OSD hotkey
• Keyboard language
To open the FW – SETTING screen, simply open the OSD and press
the [F2] key.
bottom of the window, pressing the [Tab] key will take you back to
the top of the window. Change settings by typing in the selected
area or by pressing the spacebar – whichever is relevant.