2. Web Configuration Interface
2.3 My Targets Section
The following table describes the icons found in the My Targets section Toolbar.
Icon Description
In the My Targets section, clicking the Reload icon refreshes the page to display the most current information.
Clicking the Power icon brings up a dropdown menu of power management actions you can perform on the selected port.
Note: In order to perform power management actions on a port, it must be configured to match a power outlet of a power
device that has been added to the KVM. (See the Power Device and Power Outlets sections of this manual for details)
Cycle – Choose the Cycle option to perform a power cycle on the computer/server connected to the selected port.
Up –Choose the Up option to turn the power to the computer/server connected to the selected port on.
Down – Choose the Down option to turn the power to the computer/server connected to the selected port off.
The Disconnect icon allows admin accounts to disconnect users from a server port. If a server port is being accessed by
another account, highlighting the port and clicking the Disconnect icon terminates the remote session, making the Target
Server available for access.
Clicking on the Displayiconinitiatesaremotesession,withtheselectedportdisplayed.(SeetheRemote Session section
described below.
• Power Outlet – AGreenpoweroutletindicatesthatitisworking.ARedpoweroutletindicatesthatitisnotworkingproperly.ABlack
power outlet indicates that it is not connected.
• Serial 1 and 2 Ports – An Orange serial port indicates that a serial device is connected and currently being accessed by another account.
properly, or a device is not connected.
• LAN 1 and 2 Ports –AGreenLANportindicatesthatitistheactiveLANport.TheotherLANportwillbeBlack.OnlyoneLANcanbe
will be green.
• Target Servers – The Target Server ports will illuminate different colors to indicate their status. The different statuses are discussed in
detail in the chart on the following page. A Blue port indicates that the Target Server is Available;aGreenportindicatesthataRemote
Session or Local Exclusive SessionistakingplaceontheTargetServer;anOrangeportindicatesaRemote Exclusive Session;aReddish
Brown port indicates a Blockedserverstatus;aBlackportindicatesanOffserverstatus;aRedportindicatesaNo Communication with
Device server status.
• , - The arrow icons to the lower-left of the back panel graphic allow the logged in account to hide or unhide it. Clicking the arrow
willhidetherearpanelgraphic;clickingthe arrow will unhide it.
The My Targets sectionoftheWebConguration
Interface is the first page that is displayed upon
logging into the KVM remotely. This section is
where users remotely access the connected
accessing the My Targets section, only the
connected computers/servers and devices that the
logged-in account has access to are displayed in
the Data Pane. For administrators, a graphic of
Toolbar and Data Pane. The features of this page
are described in the following section.