3. Conducting a Remote Session
To manually adjust the video settings:
1. Click on the
icon in the remote session toolbar, and choose the Advanced option. The Advanced window appears.
2. In the Brightness & Contrast section of the Advanced screen, use the corresponding scales to adjust the brightness and contrast of the
displayed image.
3. In the Offset, Phase and Scale section of the Advanced screen,adjustthefollowingsettingsaccordingly:
• In the H. Offset eld,selectthehorizontalstartingpositionofeachlineonthedisplayedimage.
• In the V. Offset field, select the vertical starting position of the displayed image.
• In the Phase field, select the point at which each pixel is sampled.
4. In the Filter section of the Advanced screen, select the filter level of the video from the Target Server. A higher filter reduces the noise
levelbutmakestheimagecoarser.Optionsare:Auto, No Filter, Low, Medium, and High.
5. The Noise Level section of the Advanced screen displays the amount of video noise present when a static screen is displayed. The
more noise that is present, the slower your keyboard and mouse response time will be. Adjusting the Phase and Scale fields can help
decrease the noise level.
6. Whenyouaredonemakingchanges,clicktheOK button. To exit without saving changes, click on the Restore button first.
3.2.4 Power
– Clicking on the Power icon will display a list of three power management functions that can be performed on the currently selected
Target Server. Select one of these functions to perform it on the Target Server. Upon selecting a power management function, a prompt
appears asking for you to confirm the action. Click Yes to proceed. Note: In order for power management functions to be performed on the
Target Server, it must be mapped to a PDU that has been added to the NetCommander IP Power Devices page (see the Power Devices and
Power Outlets sections in this manual for details).
• Power Cycle – The Power Cycle function sends a signal to the Target Server to power it down and then back up again.
• Power Up – The Power Up function sends a signal to the Target Server to turn its power on.
• Power Down – The Power Down function sends a signal to the Target Server to turn its power off.