
8-4 Robot Language Description
8-4-6 JMPB
Function: Jumps to a specified label when a specified general-purpose input or
memory input is ON or OFF.
Format: JMPB <label number>, <DI or MI number>, <input status>
Example: JMPB 12, 2, 1
Jumps to label 12 when DI2 input is ON.
If DI2 is OFF, the program execution proceeds to the next step.
Explanation: This command controls the program flow according to the general-pur-
pose input or memory input status.
(1) Label number
The label number is a number defined by the "L" statement, and
indicates the destination to jump. Any number from 0 to 255 can be
specified. (See "8-4-7 L".)
(2) DI or MI number
Specify one of the general-purpose input numbers from 0 to 7 (8
points) or memory input numbers from 100 to 147 (48 points).
(3) Input status
"1" means "on" and "0" means "off".
8-4-7 L
Function: Defines the jump destination for JMP, JMPF or JMPB statements, etc.
Format: L <label number>
Example: L 100
Defines label 100.
Explanation: This command is used to define the destination to which program ex-
ecution jumps with a jump command. The label number may be any
number between 0 and 255. The same label numbers may be used if they
are in different programs.