8-4 Robot Language Description
Function: Specifies an array element of the counter array variable C to be used.
Format: CSEL <array element number>
Example: CSEL 1
The counter array variable of element number 1 is used in the subse-
quent steps.
Explanation: This command designates an array element number of the counter array
variable C.
The array element data designated with the CSEL statement is used in
the C statement, C+ statement, C- statement, JMPC statement and MOVM
(1) Array element number
This is a number used to designate the array element number of a
counter array variable and can be any value from 0 to 31.
When a character "D" is entered here, the counter variable D is used
to designate the element of the counter array variable.
Others: • The array element designation is held even when the controller power
is turned off, but when the program is reset or when the program reset
is applied by switching the execution program, the element designa-
tion number will be initialized to 0.
• The element number designated with the CSEL statement is independ-
ent of each task. For example, when different array elements are des-
ignated for task 0 and task 1, the definition or change in the counter
array variable C of task 1 does not affect task 0.
Function: Sets the counter array variable C.
Format: C <counter value>
Example: C 200
Sets the counter array variable C to 200.
Explanation: This command sets a counter value for the counter array variable speci-
fied with the CSEL statement. The counter array variable is an array
variable containing 32 elements, and can be set to any value from 0 to
65535. This command can be used with a C+ or C– statement and a
JMPC statement for a repeating program and also with a MOVM state-
ment for a palletizing program.
Others: • Counter array variable C is not initialized even if the program is reset
or the controller power is turned off. To initialize, rewrite the pro-
• The counter array variable C is a variable shared with all tasks. For
example, task 0 and task 1 use a counter array variable with the same
element number, the edited contents of task 1 affect task 0.