1-4 C
1: I
set up here. There are two states of an Account # in reference to a user. The
Account # is either Active or Forwarded.
Table 1-1 Icon ListObject Icons
Table 1-2 Icon ListPermission Icons
Adding Members to
Pre-Defined User Groups
There are six pre-defined user groups; server supervisors, account supervisors,
managers, Fax Administrators, and CommWorks IP Fax users.
Use the Security module to add, authenticate and define new users.
Assistants also have irrevocable permissions, however, since the assistant's
permissions depend on another users permissions the assistant user level is not
listed as a pre-defined User group. Assistants have the same permissions to fax
jobs as the user they assist.
Icon Name Icon Name
Server Modems
Attachments Phonebooks
Cover Pages User Profiles
Account #’s Server Setup
Fax Jobs Users
Icon Name Icon Name
Granted permission
that was inherited.
Denied permission
that was inherited.
Granted permission
that was explicitly
Denied permission
that was explicitly
Granted permission
that cannot be